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Requesting Data

On this page:

Requesting Data
Data request FAQs
Big Data Image

Requesting Data

Applications are welcome

Organisations and individuals (e.g. researchers) can request interRAI assessment data from interRAI Services. All applications will be considered on an individual basis against specific criteria, including the level of assurance of privacy and respect, and how the requester intends to use the data.

Use of the data is subject to interRAI Data Access Protocols endorsed by the interRAI Leadership Advisory Board and the Joint Aged Residential Care Steering Group.

Aggregated and unit record data

Requests can either be at the unit record level or at the aggregated level.

  • Unit record level data refers to data requests at the client or resident level, Aged Residential Care (ARC) facility level or home and community support provider level.
  • Aggregated level data refers to grouped data and are summary statistics of the individual observations.

All data requesters are asked to fill in an online application form which will be automatically sent to interrai.data@tewhatuora.govt.nz.

Depending on the complexity of the data request, there may be a fee involved for data processing. 

Understanding interRAI data

Understanding the assessment process that produces interRAI data will help you understand its clinical application and what information may be valuable to research projects.

The large mandated comprehensive assessments, such as Home Care (HC) and Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF) assessments have over 200 clinical items within them that can also be utilised as data points.

We recommend you take 30-40 minutes to follow our online module for a better understanding of what interRAI is.

The interRAI Researchers and Data Analysts Manual can be downloaded as a reference manual to help you interpret the definition and utility of the interRAI assessment outputs.

Both resources will be updated as necessary to remain relevant to current versions of interRAI used in New Zealand.


Data request FAQs

Do I need to complete an application form to request interRAI data?

Yes, any data requester must complete an application form, regardless of whether the data request is for summarised data or unit record level (e.g. at the client/resident/facility level). You can access the online application form here. Once you submit your completed application form, it will automatically be sent to interrai.data@tewhatuora.govt.nz

What criteria are used to process data requests?

The principles described in the interRAI data access protocols approved by the interRAI New Zealand Governance Board are used to process data requests. Each data request is assessed on a case by case basis.

When do I need to submit an ethics approval?

If you apply to access interRAI data at the unit record level (i.e. at the client/resident/facility level), you may or may not need to submit an ethics approval from the Health and Disability Ethics Committee (HDEC) depending on the objective and approach of your study or project.

You do not need a HDEC submission if:

(i)  your study does not involve the use, collection, or storage of human tissue without consent

(ii)  you have obtained informed consent to use health data from the interRAI database

(iii) your study or work project will not disclose the health information from the interRAI database in a form that would allow individual(s) or organisation(s) to be identified, or for anyone to be able to match the information with other datasets through a non-encrypted identifier (e.g. an NHI number).

You can find out if you require a HDEC review by correctly completing an online form at https://nz.forms.ethicalreviewmanager.com/.

If you are not required to submit an ethics approval for your study or project, your locality may have additional ethical review policies.  Please check with your locality. If your study involves a Health New Zealand District, you must contact the Health New Zealand District’s research office before you begin. If your study involves a university or polytechnic, you must contact the relevant institutional ethics committee before you begin.

How long does it take to process my data request?

You should receive a response on the status of your data request within 20 working days.

In what format will my data be made available to me?

interRAI Services usually makes the data available in Excel or CSV format via a secure data transfer system.

Am I required to destroy the data afterwards?

Yes, the application form for your data request requires your signature stating that you will destroy the data within 12 months of completing your study or piece of work.