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Home » Save the date! NZ Association of Gerontology Conference

Save the date! NZ Association of Gerontology Conference
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Save the date! The New Zealand Association of Gerontology (NZAG) Conference date has been set for 6-8 September 2023. This year's theme is Rethinking Ageing.

Key dates

10 March: Abstract Submission Open
27 April: Registration Open
26 May: Abstract Submission Deadline
12 June: Review Results Expected
12 July: Early Bird Registration Closes
12 July: Presenter Registration Deadline.

Key speakers

  • Dr Joanna Hikaka (Ngāruahine), University of Auckland

  • Professor Christine Stephens, School of Psychology, Massey University

  • Maria Edström, Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

  • Professor Brendan McCormack, Head of Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery & Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Australia

  • Dr Andrew Kingston, Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.

Full conference details